This sermon was preached on a Saturday night meeting in 2011 and has never been publicly rescinded so we continue to ask if it still represents the position of the new Struthers leader and those on the new Charity Executive Committee.

Regardless of the answer to that question we would also ask if they believe this teaching is consistent with their published Safeguarding Policy.


The teaching as presented towards the end of the Humiliation Sermon on 12 February 2011 is astonishing and actually quite frightening. We would be concerned at the impact this teaching could have on children, emotionally vulnerable people, or those who had no grounding in Bible knowlege if they were in the congregation at the time these words were preached.

If anything discussed in this article causes people to feel fear and anxiety about the line of Struthers Memorial Church teaching we are discussing, we recommend reading this excellent article which represents a healthy and Biblical view of this subject and the important verses in particular (apologetics index)


Quotes from the sermon recording

time on recording 34:12      ....if we are saved and redeemed, if we are transformed in our being part of that transformation should be that the pride that is within us, that thinks we know best, that thinks we know what is right, that thinks that we can judge – that that is utterly silenced within our being and we recognise this moment that the real journey of life begins. Because we are now looking not to be people who take counsel from one another, who come up with ideas in our own groups, of things we've read or things we've seen, but we are utterly and completely different people. And it is this that distinguished Moses from Aaron .......from Miriam

time on recording 38:30     (we worship) so that our lives are governed and controlled by that which is the Will of God and sometimes we are almost frightened to declare this. This is when things change. This is when things move forward. It's when we have the counsel of God.....and it is when God moves, when God moves forward. When we are listening for his voice and looking for His guidance – then we move forward. But we only move on the explicit instruction of the Lord God of Hosts

time on recording 41:00     ...everybody recognised this. They recognised Moses' authority. And his authority was based on this one thing – that he knew and he had the counsel of God. And that everyone recognised that authority. They came to Moses and his authority was based on this thing and this thing alone that he himself had the counsel of God and God Himself said I have entrusted my entire house to Moses.  And it is necessary for us as a people that we recognise the authority that is vested in God in the people who lead us. Not because they are proud and arrogant people but because in us there is a desire and a zeal for the house of the Lord. And we listen for and we recognise the voice of God that comes through those that He has anointed.

time on recording 42:26     ...... but if Moses had gone forward himself he would have lost his mission and his vision. His mission was to lead the people forward. And then the people when they complained with an arrogance against Moses "has God not spoken to us also?".....Miriam & Aaron but God himself moves against them. God Himself calls them out. "You've spoken against the Lord's anointed" .....The Lord Himself will take vengeance against those who speak against the Lord's anointed because the danger is that we loose completely the understanding of what it is to be humble.

time on recording 49:10      But now every one of us who believes in Christ, who is freed from our sin by the blood of Christ, every one of us can enter in to that holy of holies and we can hear the voice of the divine. We can hear and receive the wisdom and counsel of Almighty God. Christ who humbled himself to a death on the cross for you and me. How offensive must it be in the heavenly realm when God has to listen to the voices of arrogant men raised in protest and in defiance. O Christ. O Christ.


Because sermons in Struthers Memorial Church are often extemporary, what they say and teach can be badly expressed and deeply confusing. Here we have tried to present a series of long quotes accurately and highlight those parts which seem to be the core teaching point which is being made.

...we only move on the explicit instruction of the Lord God of Hosts

And it is necessary for us as a people that we recognise the authority that is vested in God in the people who lead us. Not because they are proud and arrogant people but because in us there is a desire and a zeal for the house of the Lord. And we listen for and we recognise the voice of God that comes through those that He has anointed.

The Lord Himself will take vengeance against those who speak against the Lord's anointed

How offensive must it be in the heavenly realm when God has to listen to the voices of arrogant men raised in protest and in defiance.

We have considered these quotes and given above the context in which they occur. Then we have tried to outline what a person of reasonable understanding would take them to mean as presented here. What does this actually mean if it represents the teaching of Struthers Memorial Church?


What we think the speaker seems to be saying is this:

  • There are “anointed” people in SMC, of whom the speaker is claiming to be one, who are under a special and particular leadership anointing.
  • This teaching is not presented in the context of New Testament teaching on the roles of shepherds and elders. If it were, it would have to allow for questioning and challenge of the behaviour of a church leader, or allow for a group discussion such as took place in Acts 15. This teaching presents a leadership position based on the anointing God indicated was upon Moses in the book of Numbers. This same anointing (or an anointing that must be treated in an equivalent way) is claimed to be on some of the people leading Struthers Memorial Church.
  • Those with this anointing: Quote : only move on the explicit instruction of the Lord God of Hosts.
  • Therefore to question, doubt or disagree with any decision that one of these anointed leaders makes – no matter what, because they only move on the explicit instruction of the Lord God of Hosts -  is a sinful and serious wrong resulting from arrogance. It is the same as questioning whether God approved of Moses in Numbers chapter 12. This applies whether the actions are consistent with previous actions of the leadership; or suddenly completely different. No circumstances are indicated where such a leader who only move(s) on the explicit instruction of the Lord God of Hosts can possibly be wrong so they must not be doubted or challenged.
  • If you do question, express doubt or disagree with someone to whom God has given this particular anointing (which is to be regarded like the anointing He declared was on Moses), then God will be angry with you and bring punishment as he did to Aaron and Miriam in Numbers ch 12. Quote: How offensive must it be in the heavenly realm when God has to listen to the voices of arrogant men raised in protest and in defiance.


We think this a reasonable understanding of what was taught on 12 Feb 2011. We also think it is fully consistent with other teaching about leadership we have all heard in SMC over many years.

If it is not an accurate representation of what was meant by the teaching on this occasion, then we again request that the Struthers Leadership please contact us and we will be happy to replace it with the official version of their teaching on leadership. This will either be consistent with the words of this sermon – or different. The fact that the preacher who spoke these words has now been expelled from the organisation only makes it more important that the church clarify the teaching she presented here.

Is this the teaching of Struthers Memorial Church? If so it is essential that we understand the genuinely frightening implications of this.


Who is it claimed this teaching applies to?

Is it the teaching that this threat of punishment from God will apply to all people who do not correctly recognise that the SMC leaders' anointing, decisions and teachings are as from God (because they only move on the explicit instruction of the Lord God of Hosts)?

  • Is the teaching that God will punish Struthers church members who do not recognise your particular anointing and agree with everything you do?
  • Is the teaching that God will punish all other professing Christians who do not recognise your particular anointing and agree with everything you do?
  • Is the teaching that God will punish leaders of non Struthers churches and even members of the public who do not recognise your particular anointing and agree with everything you do?


The Critical Question : Who are the leaders who it is claimed "have" this anointing and are beyond questioning?

It is absolutely essential and very urgent, if this is the teaching of SMC, that the leadership – in particular the spiritual leader of the movement  - now make available publicly to everyone the list of those who have this anointing. It is claimed that there are some people who only move on the explicit instruction of the Lord God of Hosts and to whom any questioning or defiance will lead to punishment from God. It is being clearly taught here there will be potential consequences of punishment in this life or eternal consequences. It must be made known who this teaching refers to and who this anointing rests on.

If this teaching is true (and we are not expressing our view here but seeking to clarify what Struthers Memorial Church is teaching) there can be few things which are more important than letting people know whose teaching and actions they can question without fear and whose they cannot. This is very, very important. This sermon which presents this teaching has been presented to the church from the Saturday night meeting platform and placed online for the public to hear and understand what this church believes.

Many things happen in SMC meetings such as people praying with others during prayer times. If a parent sees someone praying with their child and they are unhappy about what is happening, they must be able to know if that is someone they are allowed to question without fear of God's punishment. But they must also know if it is one of the people who, according to this teaching, has more authority to decide what happens to their child than they have.

If someone presents a personal prophetic word – people must be told if they are allowed to evaluate that word for consistency with Biblical principles and what they feel God is saying to them. This is the approach recommended in scripture. But – if this word is coming from one with this anointing equivalent to that on Moses the recipient must know that they cannot judge this word but must accept it as a prophetic word – no matter how bizarre or seemngly wide of the mark  - or face punishment from God.

Are all branch church leaders so anointed? Are all who preach beyond being questioned without resultant punishment? Does such an anointing sit on any church leaders outside of Struthers so they are also beyond criticism? Is it acceptable to be critical of those Christian leaders in Struthers who it has been decided don't have such an anointing?  Imagine the danger if a branch leader or someone who felt they had a bit of status in one of the churches regarded themselves as more God led and infalible than they actually are. To quote from the sermon here maybe that would indicate that they weren't so much "driven by their desire and zeal for the house of God" but were actually "proud and arrogant people". The only way to know if they are not also carrying this special infalibile anointing is for there to be a list of them too.

We all can agree that some people fall away from God and this happens in many churches. We are not talking about them here. We are asking particularly about those who opposed or questioned particular Struthers leaders (the ones with the anointing referred to in the sermon) and who have remained professing Christians. They did not disagree with the gospel - they disagreed with some actions or teachings of those who claimed they stand in an anointed position equivalent to that of Moses.  What form does the punishment from God on such people take? The threat that it will has come from the Struthers pulpit. What form does this punishment take? Is it hardship and disaster in this life? Is it humiliation and public failure? Are you claiming there will be punishment in eternity for those who are born again?  Unless we can see that this has happened to real people, how can people know it is true?

What form have the special (yet still un-named) leaders seen this punishment take on professing Christians who disagreed with them? If the teaching from Numbers is consistent, then presumably this punishment – as with Aaron and Miriam – is usually instant and publicly unmistakable as coming from God and applies in all cases?

Whether this teaching is true or false it could be very confusing and threatening to people. How far does this go? This is a very serious, strong and potentially manipulative teaching so to whom it applies must be made clear.


In what situations does this teaching apply? Can such an "anointed leader" be challenged when wrong or in sin?

If a leader with this particular anointing is dealing with someone in one of the church businesses – such as employees of the cakeshops or school - in what circumstances does this anointing allow questions and in what circumstances does it not? For example if someone is having difficulty with their employer, who is also their church leader, and they are not allowed to question without the fear of punishment, does this place that person in a fair position in employment law?

It is highly likely that if someone has been taught to be afraid to challenge a church leader on spiritual matters they will also be afraid to challenge them on any other matters  - such as use of church funds or bullying in the workplace. When people have been taught to be afraid to challenge those in authority - fear does not switch on and off based on the context. But does the fact that this causes fear matter? We think this teaching has very, very serious consequences for everyone involved. There is growing evidence that what many people feel when dealing with the leaders in SMC is fear. This teaching as presented in this sermon clearly shows how this fear arises. 

How can someone question entries and spending in the church report and accounts when to question the decisions made by the anointed leader is going to be punished by God – such as in a recent case on the Rick Ross forum of a former member who questioned the school project?  How can this allow for proper public accountability? How could fraud or nepotism or lack of probity be detected if the acts of certain people cannot be questioned without fear of punishment? There may be an answer to this but we need the SMC church leadership to tell us what that is.

How does this teaching work in a church with a child protection policy? Adults and children here are being told there are certain people in the church whose actions and motives are above question and beyond doubt. To challenge any action of these particular people places you in the face of God's judgement.

Quote: The Lord Himself will take vengeance against those who speak against the Lord's anointed

How free does that make people to share legitimate concerns? Does this teaching make children more or less safe in Struthers Memorial Church? Again, so that no tragic mistakes are made, it is essential that a list be made public of those to whom the church are claiming this particular anointing applies, and are therefore beyond question.

Of course this teaching makes it confusing when considering what has happened in the past in SMC. In the past leaders have stood up and confessed publicly to serious mistakes and failures. Those doing this were clearly and beyond doubt those who would be "anointed" under the definition of this teaching. Former church members – now long gone from SMC - challenged those leaders prior to their mistakes becoming public, and raised doubts that these leaders were "acting only .... on the explicit instruction of the Lord God of Hosts". They thought the leaders were in fact exposing the church to risk and danger. Is it claimed that these good people, who have been proved right by subsequent events, are still facing God's punishment? If so then this cannot be punishment because they were wrong - but punishment in spite of the fact that they were right.

Please tell us urgently how this teaching accommodates what is right and what is wrong. How can people telling the truth ever be condemned by God? Where is the New Testament validation for this teaching? Or is Struthers Memorial Church in grievous and damaging error?


We and many others will have deep concerns if this is the teaching of SMC. We believe it confuses and binds and induces feelings of terror in people far beyond their time in Struthers Memorial Church. It places leaders far beyond the level of authority and accountability most churches and church leaders agree the New Testament guidelines allow. We believe it distorts the biblical view of God.

We feel that the threat that God will punish the confused and hurting who have genuine and deep heartfelt questions should not be a tool of leadership in Struthers Memorial Church.

We believe Struthers can survive without this teaching.


But we may be wrong, so we ask the spiritual leadership of SMC - please explain this.

We ask that you clarify this teaching which, if true, has eternal consequences for so many people.

  • Is our understanding of this teaching as presented in this article correct?
  • If not, what is the teaching?
  • If it is the teaching, please provide a list of which leaders are beyond question?

We ask this publicly. Please use your position as spiritual leaders to help set people free from inappropriate fear which blinds them to the love of God.  We believe that only the leaders of Struthers Memorial Church are in position to address the questions raised by this teaching and either confirm it is the Struthers way or publicly change it.

Presumably even in Struthers they accept that some corrupt Christian leaders have usurped sound biblical teaching and twisted scripture to hide the loving Father heart of God and use the fear of God as a tool to control people. That happens. That can happen. We are asking Struthers Memorial Church to justify the teaching presented in this sermon as not being that.


They have chosen to make this teaching public. We ask them to publicly explain it, biblically answer the questions it raises and to justify it. If they choose to sit above this questioning by members of the public - for whatever reason - why should anyone believe and live by this alarming teaching?

There are elements in it which are very close to a completely unique interpretation of scripture;

very similar in appearance to what is taught in churches identified in a growing body of literature as involved in Spiritual and Authority Abuse;  

and very, very dangerous for people to believe if they are wrong.


Finally - even if we have misunderstood the teaching content of this part of this particular sermon the fact remains that this issue exists and many people honestly believe that what we have presented in this article accurately reflects Struthers teaching. If this particular sermon had never been preached we would still be asking for this clarification as the truth about the teaching on this is very, very important. 

As we said - The preacher who spoke these words has now been expelled from the organisation. Or perhaps she left because she felt she could no longer remain in a church where she had to come under the control of certain leaders who had an opinion of her she was not allowed to disagree with.

Behold......the irony.

Either way this only makes it more important that the church clarify if they still hold as a core belief the teaching she presented here.